The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast
The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast
Episode 39: Let's Listen: The Music of Star Wars the Old Republic
You're listening to the Star Forge podcast with Scya and Mal, two nerds who have a lot to say about Star Wars: The Old Republic and all its 'features' - rest assured, the podcast is working as intended.
⚠️ This podcast is rated E.S. for extremely silly and may contain bad words bad jokes and other bad content that is not suitable for children maybe it is we don't know we're not their parents.
✨✨🛰️ ✨✨
Episode 39: Let's Listen: The Music of Star Wars the Old Republic
⭐ Group Topic: Operation Music?
⭐ Spacebar PLZ: Hammer Station
⭐ Flying Solo: Music Around The World
That the music in the game is partially new and made purely for this game, partially movie music, and partially music from Knights of the Old Republic.
The SWTOR Youtube has an official playlist with EIGHTY TWO tracks including many of the newest ones! This isn’t even all the tracks in the game.
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5MoBb8-75E&list=PLiJsK_sFeeKygEepqlUoXIBwcyeGfXrXx
Music links
The Clairvoyance of Aryn Leneer (Live) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQBxW18zXzg
The Clairvoyance of Aryn Leneer (Not Live) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUU5_mmE-zE
Balmorra the Forge, horns that go buh duh duh duh dun - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF7ROkpzQ1c
Coruscant, The Capital theme, calming music, violins that go dan na na na na na nuh - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAWDeWTlMjc
Korriban, The Homeworld https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heuveUxnLkA
Dromund Kaas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmcKBsJ5-GY
Justice the Knight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6spL_lN04g
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- • Dantooine Pirate Event, Sep 20 - 27
- • Nightlife, ends Sep 13
- + Maintenance Sep 1
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