The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast
The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast
Episode 31 - A History of Xpacs Part 2: Shadow of Revan
You're listening to the Star Forge podcast with Scya and Mal, two nerds who have a lot to say about Star Wars: The Old Republic and all its 'features' - rest assured, the podcast is working as intended.
⚠️ This podcast is rated E.S. for extremely silly and may contain bad words bad jokes and other bad content that is not suitable for children maybe it is we don't know we're not their parents.
✨✨🛰️ ✨✨
Episode 31 - A History of Xpacs Part 2: Shadow of Revan
We are covering the history of expacs as a series!
⭐ Shadow of Revan
Mal: Alright people lets talk about the 2nd big xpac in SWTOR history, wait who is this one about again?
Scya: REVAN! Lets talk about that guy Mal doesn’t know again.
✨✨🛰️ ✨✨
• Update 7.1 - PTS is up, 7.1 targeted mid-summer
• Gree Event - Level 50+ - Jun 28 - Jul 5, 2022
• Nightlife event is coming
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- New Episode Every Friday