The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast
The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast
Episode 30 - A History of Xpacs Part 1 Rise of the Hutt Cartel
You're listening to the Star Forge podcast with Scya and Mal, two nerds who have a lot to say about Star Wars: The Old Republic and all its 'features' - rest assured, the podcast is working as intended.
⚠️ This podcast is rated E.S. for extremely silly and may contain bad words bad jokes and other bad content that is not suitable for children maybe it is we don't know we're not their parents.
✨✨🛰️ ✨✨
Episode 30 - A History of Xpacs Part 1 Rise of the Hutt Cartel
We are covering the history of expacs as a series!
⭐ Rise of the Hutt Cartel
Mal: Lets go back to April 2013. SWTOR launched about 1 and a half years ago and now we have the first big Thing and it cost $19.99 ON TOP OF a monthly subscription fee. What do you think about that Scya? This xpac cost CASH MONEY, 2.0 CASH MONEY!
Scya: At the top I just forked out my money happily and continued eating Noodle in a Cup because that’s all I could afford as a student! At the time it felt really normal to pay for subscriptions and expansions - the idea of true free to play games being king was only starting to really float around.
✨✨🛰️ ✨✨
• Update 7.1 - PTS is up, 7.1 targeted mid-summer
• Gree Event - Level 50+ - Jun 28 - Jul 5, 2022
• Nightlife event is coming
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- New Episode Every Friday