The Star Forge SWTOR Podcast

Episode 25 - 7.0.2 Updates

Swtorista and Mal Season 1 Episode 25

You're listening to the Star Forge podcast with Scya and Mal, two nerds who  have a lot to say about Star Wars: The Old Republic and all its 'features' - rest assured, the podcast is working as intended.

⚠️ This podcast is rated E.S. for extremely silly and may contain bad words bad jokes and other bad content that is not suitable for children maybe it is we don't know we're not their parents.

✨✨🛰️ ✨✨

Episode 25 - 7.0.2 Updates

Disappointing Other People

7.0.2 changes

You Can't Make This Sith Up

This week in You Can’t Make This Sith Up: the pug raid leader. In a recent trip to the Eternity Vault a very good but very sick dps (who shall remain nameless lest she spread her disease to the rest of the galaxy) pulled up to the first boss with a group of 16 people– one of whom was a pug. It started on the 1st boss, a heal marker placed under the feet of the annihilation droid. Okay, sure, the dps thought. A good place to gather for AOE heals. While waiting for a speeder to the 2nd boss another marker appeared by the speeder. Yes, obviously, thats the speeder to ride. On the way to the 3rd boss more markers appeared. One at the foot of a cliff used to bypass trash. Another farther down the road to lead the way. Uh huh. Then more markers appeared on the terminals for the pylon boss and at this point people were annoyed. “Who is putting down all these markers?” someone asked. “Oh…it’s the pug!” someone else answered.  On the way to the last boss someone wondered if the pug would again place markers on the ground to lead the way and, sure enough, they did! THANK YOU SO MUCH the coughing dps typed into Ops chat. She then proceeded to place upwards of 20 markers on the platform in various and sundry spots. At this point everyone else in the group joined in and soon there were markers everywhere, much to everyones delight. On the last floor the tired, sniffling dps made one last ditch effort– she placed markers around the entire lower ring and told the group “These are where the mind traps might spawn so please be aware”. After Soa was defeated, the sick dps pulled up the parser to find she was doing overall 2 times the damage of the pug. Perhaps this pug thought that this was our first time in Eternity Vault. It is, after all, only 10 years old. Perhaps they thought the group needed guidance and direction for this extremely challenging operation. This reporter can offer only the following advice for pugs doing bad dps in a very large group: shut the fuck up and get carried.

Flying Solo

Little changes in 7.0.2

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